Constantly challenging ourselves to deliver more to our clients.

Recruitment Notice

We are currently recruiting for Senior Carers and Care Assistants

WELCOME to SSP Recruitment Solutions Limited, where the quality of care matters. We provide the following services:

  • Recruiting, training and supplying temporary staff, mainly but not limited to Support Workers/ Care Assistants, Domestics, Cooks and Cleaners. We also supply other workers on request.

  • We are registered with the Care Inspectorate to provide Care at Home and Housing Support Services for adults.

Who Are We

SSP is a family run business.  We employ both long term and short term staff.

What We Do

We are a dedicated recruitment agency based in, but not confined to, Stirling.

Our Staff

We believe  in a happy, confident, skilled and professional workforce.


We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Contact either though phone or email.

Top Management

Wealth of knowledge, experience and skills of working in the health and social care sector in various settings for over 13 years.  

Quality Service

We value the quality of our service and we believe that we can only know how we are doing by asking those who receive our services.

01786 236411

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